Places Summary Statistics
Welcome to SafeGraph’s Places Summary Statistics!
Here you will find a collection of the most recent and relevant statistics about our Places product which includes highly accurate data on places around the globe. You can also see how our datasets have grown over time with each monthly release!
- Overall POI:
- Brands:
- Category Statistics
- Fill Rates
- Visualize Global Coverage
Counts from Latest Release
The statistics presented below are based on the latest release.
SafeGraph Parking
SafeGraph Parking is now available, providing a dataset focused on parking lots and the nearby places that they serve. You can find the schema here or check out the Geometry Summary Statistics for more details.
Counts from Last 12 Months
POI counts vary over time due to changes such as ingesting new data sources or improvements to our de-duplication model. For further details, check out the Release Notes.
Note: All counts for Places data shown here are inclusive of all Places, including any Premium rows.
Brand Counts from Last 12 Months
Note that the total distinct brands count is lower than the sum of the counts per country because many brands operate in multiple countries. Eg. McDonald's stores in numerous different countries.
Brand Freshness
SafeGraph strives to source the most up to date data for thousands of brands globally. This is essential to ensure we promptly reflect changes across brands and track newly opened or closed POI.
Below you can find our "brand freshness" metrics, updated as of the latest monthly release. These show how recently we've been able to check the different brands against their source. So "freshness" within 30 days means we've checked our data against the source within 30 days and incorporated any necessary updates.
There are cases where some brands may be stale, which can be the result of maintenance or changes to the underlying source.
Note that Russia has been excluded from these metrics due to current circumstances impacting how frequently many sources are being updated.
Brands Opening and Closing
We use POI metadata to track store openings and closings, and below is the total number of brands with at least 1 newly opened or closed POI in the previous month.
It can take more than a month to infer open/close dates, so we report brand open/close metrics on a one month delay. Learn more about our open/close columns here.
Not all brands have a POI opening or closure in a given month, however, we continue to track brand metadata to ensure POI counts are up to date.
Global Brand Coverage
Explore our brand coverage in the two tabs below:
- Top 1,000 brands - use the filter to view coverage for a particular country or brand.
- Brand Count by Country - use the filter to quickly find the distinct brand count of a country.
We are continually adding new brands, and requests can be submitted via this Google form
Category Statistics
The table below provides a POI count by category for all POIs. Toggle through the tabs to navigate by country.
Fill Rates
The table below provides counts and fill rates across Places & Geometry columns for our top 30 countries.
Visualize Global Coverage
Tier Definitions:
Tier 1
: These countries have seen significant investment, have gone through rigorous QA, and have naturally improved though customer feedback and time spent in market.
Tier 2
: These countries are nearly "full scope" (coverage across all consumer oriented POIs with additional coverage in non-consumer categories). We have recently invested here and are working swiftly to close the outstanding gap and improve data quality.
Tier 3
: We have made some investments in this country (mostly brands and select non-branded categories), but this country has not been a strong focus. We are willing to quickly turn this into a strong focus and have a critical mass starting point across consumer focused POIs.
Tier 4
: We have some POIs here (mostly brands), but nothing super deep nor meaningful.
Updated 9 months ago