Global Brands

SafeGraph's Global Brands data provides baseline business listing information including location name, address, lat/long, category, brand, open/close date, and more for branded POIs around the world. With Global Brands, you can gain insights about any brand's global footprint and how it's changing over time.

Global Brands Schema


SafeGraph's Global Brands dataset is available for ~255k POIs across 787 brands around the world and uses the same schema as our Core Places product. Note the Global Brands excludes POIs from the US, Canada, and Great Britain, as those locations are already included in Core Places.

SafeGraph updates the Global Brands dataset every month with new brands, expanded geographic coverage for existing brands, and the past month's openings and closings. We maintain a persistent placekey across releases, so you can track individual POIs over time. Please see the Global Brands Summary Statistics page for more information on brand coverage, geographic coverage, category coverage, and column fill rates.

:eyes: Are we missing a brand or country? :eyes: Please let us know here! We are adding hundreds of new brands across all countries every month, and we prioritize our brand queue based on your feedback. If you have more general product feedback or questions, please contact our sales team.

:exclamation: Note that address conventions and formatting vary across countries. SafeGraph has coalesced these fields into the Core Places schema.

Key differences between the Global Brands Core file and US/CA/GB Core file:

  • placekey has "zz" prepended to the POI encoding portion of the Placekey to indicate that the Placekey API is not yet supported outside of the US, CA, GB, or NL. See the Placekey section for more details.
  • tracking_closed_since, closed_on, and opened_on are null for the first few release until we have enough history to support these columns. We anticipate non-null values beginning in the November 2021 release.
  • parent_placekey is null because we rely on geometric relationships to identify parent/child hierarchy, and SafeGraph Geometry is not yet supported globally.

Brand Info


A SafeGraph brand is defined as a logo or branded store which has multiple locations all under the same logo or store banner. For a deep dive on how we think about brands, see our November 2018 Release Notes.

The brand_info file is a separate csv that is complimentary with a Global Brands purchase. It adheres to the same schema as the brand info file delivered in standard Core POI subscriptions.